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■ Timpeall an Domhain - Rang 3 - Textbook

Folens  |  Barcode: 9781841319735

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Timpeall an Domhain - Rang 3 - Textbook

This Irish translation of the corresponding Earthlink book pack is suitable for 3rd Class and links the four subjects of History, Geography, Science and SPHE. It is in line with the Revised Primary Curriculum and incorporates the integrated approach outlined in the syllabus. The book includes activities based on, for example, danger and rules, rainfall, famine times, building, and home. Additional resources are available as part of this programme.

■ Timpeall an Domhain - Rang 3 - Textbook by Folens on

■ Timpeall an Domhain - Rang 3 - Textbook


Timpeall an Domhain - Rang 3 - Textbook

This Irish translation of the corresponding Earthlink book pack is suitable for 3rd Class and links the four subjects of History, Geography, Science and SPHE. It is in line with the Revised Primary Curriculum and incorporates the integrated approach outlined in the syllabus. The book includes activities based on, for example, danger and rules, rainfall, famine times, building, and home. Additional resources are available as part of this programme.


0.33 kg
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