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■ The Great Big Book of Feelings

Frances Lincoln Publishers Ltd  |  Barcode: 9781847807588

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How are you feeling today? Happy? Sad? Excited? Scared? We all experience lots of different emotions, sometimes angry or silly, sometimes jealous or upset; sometimes lonely or worried. However you feel, sharing and talking about your feelings will make you feel better. This fresh, optimistic look at all the feelings we experience explores feelings in family life, at school and everywhere with warmth, wit and sensitivity.

Featuring lots of different children in various situations, brief text captions and questions and plenty of humour, this is the go-to book to learn about feelings.
■ The Great Big Book of Feelings by Frances Lincoln Publishers Ltd on
Frances Lincoln Publishers Ltd

■ The Great Big Book of Feelings

How are you feeling today? Happy? Sad? Excited? Scared? We all experience lots of different emotions, sometimes angry or silly, sometimes jealous or upset; sometimes lonely or worried. However you feel, sharing and talking about your feelings will make you feel better. This fresh, optimistic look at all the feelings we experience explores feelings in family life, at school and everywhere with warmth, wit and sensitivity.

Featuring lots of different children in various situations, brief text captions and questions and plenty of humour, this is the go-to book to learn about feelings.


0.226 kg
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