Most Choice, Least Hassle ·

■ The Adventures of Captain Underpants

Scholastic  |  Barcode: 9780439014571

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When naughty George and Harold hypnotise their headteacher, they accidentally create the greatest superhero in the history of their school -- Captain Underpants! His true identity is so secret that even HE doesn't know who he is...but he's fighting for truth, justice, and all things pre-shrunk and cottony!! If you're a naughty villain like the diabolical Dr Diaper, watch out! Captain Underpants has wedgie-power on his side, and he's coming your way
■ The Adventures of Captain Underpants by Scholastic on

■ The Adventures of Captain Underpants

When naughty George and Harold hypnotise their headteacher, they accidentally create the greatest superhero in the history of their school -- Captain Underpants! His true identity is so secret that even HE doesn't know who he is...but he's fighting for truth, justice, and all things pre-shrunk and cottony!! If you're a naughty villain like the diabolical Dr Diaper, watch out! Captain Underpants has wedgie-power on his side, and he's coming your way


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