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■ Succes au Brevet (Incl 2 CD's) - 2nd Edition

Edco  |  Barcode: 9781845363949

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A fully updated, in-depth exam preparation text for the Junior Certificate French.

  • Eight complete Listening Comprehension tests
  • Fifteen Reading Comprehension tests, using new material from French magazines, brochures and newspapers
  • Expanded section on Written Expression tasks
  • Practical exam tips and advice
  • Includes grammar revision section and new verb table
  • Suitable revision for both Higher and Ordinary Level
  • Free Students' CDs
■ Succes au Brevet (Incl 2 CD's) - 2nd Edition by Edco on

■ Succes au Brevet (Incl 2 CD's) - 2nd Edition


A fully updated, in-depth exam preparation text for the Junior Certificate French.


0.722 kg
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