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Starlight - 2nd Class Foundation Reader

Folens  |  Barcode: 9781789278910

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Starlight is fully aligned to the Primary Language Curriculum and integrates oral language, reading and writing around a single theme and genre. This seamless blend of the three curriculum strands will allow you to effectively deliver the PLC. The programme covers all genres recommended by the PDST and has a strong emphasis on comprehension skills and strategies. 

We understand that oral language lays the foundation for strong literacy skills.  Starlight’s oral language resources were developed with Dr. Áine Cregan, former lecturer in oral language at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick

Starlight - 2nd Class Foundation Reader by Folens on

Starlight - 2nd Class Foundation Reader


Starlight is fully aligned to the Primary Language Curriculum and integrates oral language, reading and writing around a single theme and genre. This seamless blend of the three curriculum strands will allow you to effectively deliver the PLC. The programme covers all genres recommended by the PDST and has a strong emphasis on comprehension skills and strategies. 

We understand that oral language lays the foundation for strong literacy skills.  Starlight’s oral language resources were developed with Dr. Áine Cregan, former lecturer in oral language at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick


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