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■ Seidean Si - Ar Thoir an Toirc Bhain

An Gum  |  Barcode: 9781857917291

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As dorchadas na coille a thinig s, gan torann, gan deifir, gan eagla. N raibh a fhios ag Cormac c acu neach saolta n neamhshaolta a bh ag sil i gceo an maidine. Ansin chonaic s na starrfhiacla gara agus chuala s an ghnsacht gharbh....

Out of the darkness of the woods he came. Without a sound without hurry or fear. In the morning fog Cormac didn't know which world he belonged to, but then he saw the fangs and heard the harsh grunt......

■ Seidean Si - Ar Thoir an Toirc Bhain by An Gum on
An Gum

■ Seidean Si - Ar Thoir an Toirc Bhain

As dorchadas na coille a thinig s, gan torann, gan deifir, gan eagla. N raibh a fhios ag Cormac c acu neach saolta n neamhshaolta a bh ag sil i gceo an maidine. Ansin chonaic s na starrfhiacla gara agus chuala s an ghnsacht gharbh....

Out of the darkness of the woods he came. Without a sound without hurry or fear. In the morning fog Cormac didn't know which world he belonged to, but then he saw the fangs and heard the harsh grunt......


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