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■ School Spanish Course

HarperCollins Publishers  |  Barcode: 9780003222142

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One of the most widely used texts for 14-16 year old students of Spanish, this course offers solid grounding in the language In print for over 30 years, this classic Spanish course has been an effective and enjoyable tool for thousands of students through its motivating and non-patronising approach. The book contains a great variety of exercises - the content is broken down into 45 well structured lessons each focussing on specific grammar and vocabulary, with follow up exercises to consolidate learning. Key vocabulary and verbs are also covered in the appendices.

■ School Spanish Course by HarperCollins Publishers on
HarperCollins Publishers

■ School Spanish Course


One of the most widely used texts for 14-16 year old students of Spanish, this course offers solid grounding in the language In print for over 30 years, this classic Spanish course has been an effective and enjoyable tool for thousands of students through its motivating and non-patronising approach. The book contains a great variety of exercises - the content is broken down into 45 well structured lessons each focussing on specific grammar and vocabulary, with follow up exercises to consolidate learning. Key vocabulary and verbs are also covered in the appendices.


0.598 kg
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