■ ¿Qué Pasa? 2 - Junior Cycle Spanish - 1st / Old Edition (2018)
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¿Qué Pasa? 2 has been developed to address the needs of today’s Spanish teachers and their students.
- Clear, student-friendly textbook with vibrant photos and creative illustrations
- Actively engages students in communicative activities and tasks
- Uses interdisciplinary teaching methods and an integrated approach to bring the five language skills of listening, reading, writing, spoken production and spoken interaction into every lesson
- Learning intentions checklists are provided at the start of each unit
- Authentic texts show natural language in use
- Grammar is presented in an integrated manner
- Peer assessment and pair-work activities allow for peer-to-peer learning
- An assessment unit provides information and practice to prepare for the Classroom-Based Assessments, the Assessment Task and the final exam
- Cultural information on the Spanish-speaking world promotes intercultural awareness
- Suitable for mixed-ability classes
- A free diario de aprendizaje helps students to:
- reinforce learning
- revise keywords
- reflect on learning
- collect grammar notes
- compile a portfolio of written pieces put their new knowledge into practice
- Two student CDs with integrated listening exercises allow students to practise their pronunciation and listening skills at home
- A free set of classroom posters and a Teacher’s Resource Book containing:
- a complete planning section, including a yearly scheme of work
- additional worksheets and exercises, class tests and homework activities
- transcripts and a teacher’s CD with additional audio material
School LevelSecondary
Class / YearJunior Cycle
Publication Date