Most Choice, Least Hassle ·

Key Word Sentences - Book 3

Prim-Ed Publishing  |  Barcode: 9781864007572

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Key Word Sentences - Book 3
Features : 
  • excellent three book photocopiable series which develops high frequency words in Senior Infants, 1st and 2nd classes
  • each page focuses on one high frequency word
  • activities written to improve reading, writing, spelling and usage of key words
  • alternative to rote learning of key words
  • repetitive format of activities supports children in writing independently with confidence
  • activities encourage children to write independently while extending their language
Key Word Sentences - Book 3 by Prim-Ed Publishing on
Prim-Ed Publishing

Key Word Sentences - Book 3

Key Word Sentences - Book 3
Features : 


0.36 kg
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