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■ Is Mise Manchán Maximus

An Gum  |  Barcode: 9781857919509

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Look Inside!

Dorkius Maximus is a young boy growing up in ancient Rome. Longing to become a Roman hero, he enlists the help of a family friend, Stoutus, to teach him the art of fighting. But heroism doesn't come naturally to Dorkius. He knows there's a mighty warrior inside him, just waiting to get out ... isn't there?

    ■ Is Mise Manchán Maximus by An Gum on
    An Gum

    ■ Is Mise Manchán Maximus


    Look Inside!

    Dorkius Maximus is a young boy growing up in ancient Rome. Longing to become a Roman hero, he enlists the help of a family friend, Stoutus, to teach him the art of fighting. But heroism doesn't come naturally to Dorkius. He knows there's a mighty warrior inside him, just waiting to get out ... isn't there?


    0.222 kg
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