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■ Girl with a Pearl Earring

HarperCollins Publishers  |  Barcode: 9780007232161

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Griet, the daughter of a tilemaker in 17th century Holland, obtains her first job, as a servant in Vermeer's household. This book shows the reader, through Griet's eyes, the family, the society of the town of Delft, and life with an obsessive genius. Griet loves being drawn into his artistic life, but the cost to her own survival may be high.

■ Girl with a Pearl Earring by HarperCollins Publishers on
HarperCollins Publishers

■ Girl with a Pearl Earring


Griet, the daughter of a tilemaker in 17th century Holland, obtains her first job, as a servant in Vermeer's household. This book shows the reader, through Griet's eyes, the family, the society of the town of Delft, and life with an obsessive genius. Griet loves being drawn into his artistic life, but the cost to her own survival may be high.


0.177 kg
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