Most Choice, Least Hassle ·

■ Wordplay 1

Gill Education  |  Barcode: 9780717146321

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Suitable for 1st year students.

A vibrant, new approach to Junior Certificate English, building the confidence and skills needed to succeed at both Higher and Ordinary Levels


  • Active and participative whole-subject approach to learning
  • Creative and fresh exercises build students' expertise and reinforce key concepts
  • Expert creative writing tips and techniques
  • Spelling Bees and Grammar Stations reinforce essential skills
  • Provides an excellent foundation for Leaving Certificate English
  • Exciting and relevant range of extracts and texts, covering all aspects of the English course
  • Designed to engage and challenge the modern student
  • Visually stimulating design with key concepts and terminology highlighted
  • Focus on structured answering and exam preparation
  • Question levels progress towards exam standard
  • Individual lessons link to consolidate and develop skills
■ Wordplay 1 by Gill Education on
Gill Education

■ Wordplay 1


Suitable for 1st year students.

A vibrant, new approach to Junior Certificate English, building the confidence and skills needed to succeed at both Higher and Ordinary Levels



0.824 kg
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