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Write On - Book 1: Cursive Handwriting Introductory Workbook

Folens  |  Barcode: 9780861217700

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Cursive Handwriting Introductory Workbook

Write On Cursive Handwriting Introductory Workbook is a cursive handwriting workbook aimed at students at the end of 2nd class or in 3rd class.

The book will gradually help to familiarise pupils with the changes in letter formation from the script to the cursive style. There is plenty of practice in letter formation, followed by a progression to words and sentences.

Write On - Book 1: Cursive Handwriting Introductory Workbook by Folens on

Write On - Book 1: Cursive Handwriting Introductory Workbook


Cursive Handwriting Introductory Workbook

Write On Cursive Handwriting Introductory Workbook is a cursive handwriting workbook aimed at students at the end of 2nd class or in 3rd class.

The book will gradually help to familiarise pupils with the changes in letter formation from the script to the cursive style. There is plenty of practice in letter formation, followed by a progression to words and sentences.


0.182 kg
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