Most Choice, Least Hassle ·

■ Planete Jeunes (Incl. CD)

Folens  |  Barcode: 9781847411839

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1st Year French

  • Planete Jeunes is a new French series that covers all elements of the Junior Certificate course. It prepares the student to approach the written, aural and oral examinations with confidence.
  • Caters for all academic abilities, encouraging the weaker student and challenging the more able student.
  • Emphasis is placed on developing good language learning habits and building vocabulary.
  • Numerous age-appropriate activities including crosswords, puzzles, wordsearches and quizzes present a fun approach to French.
  • Each of its sixteen units is accompanied by a lexique to promote independent learning and accuracy.
  • Planete Jeunes is accompanied by two CDs with exercises for home and classroom use.
■ Planete Jeunes (Incl. CD) by Folens on

■ Planete Jeunes (Incl. CD)


1st Year French


0.897 kg
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