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Revision Works - Physics - Leaving Certificate- Higher and Ordinary Level  |  Barcode: 9781908507419

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This book is a concise and focused guide to taking the Leaving Certificate Physics exam at both Higher and Ordinary Levels

It contains all the relevant definitions and formulae, wealth of examples and exam-style questions addressing all parts of the course. Solutions to the questions are also supplied

A comprehensive section on mandatory experiments, illustrated with diagrams and graphs, makes learning these experiments much clearer. Successive chapters cover all parts of the Leaving Certificate syllabus: Light, Magnetism, Heat, Mechanics, Modern Physics, Particle physics, Electricity, Waves, Applied Electricity

The book is designed to be easy to use, with a quick reference guide that gets you to the information you want quickly.

There is also a useful guide to the structure of the exams and tips on how to approach them so as to maximise your results.

Revision Works - Physics - Leaving Certificate- Higher and Ordinary Level by on

Revision Works - Physics - Leaving Certificate- Higher and Ordinary Level


This book is a concise and focused guide to taking the Leaving Certificate Physics exam at both Higher and Ordinary Levels

It contains all the relevant definitions and formulae, wealth of examples and exam-style questions addressing all parts of the course. Solutions to the questions are also supplied

A comprehensive section on mandatory experiments, illustrated with diagrams and graphs, makes learning these experiments much clearer. Successive chapters cover all parts of the Leaving Certificate syllabus: Light, Magnetism, Heat, Mechanics, Modern Physics, Particle physics, Electricity, Waves, Applied Electricity

The book is designed to be easy to use, with a quick reference guide that gets you to the information you want quickly.

There is also a useful guide to the structure of the exams and tips on how to approach them so as to maximise your results.


0.38 kg
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