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Edco Primary Atlas

Edco  |  Barcode: 9781845364762

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The most up-to-date atlas available for the Irish primary educational market in terms of mapping, census of population and other data that change over time.

  • Suitable for all levels of primary school
  • Children are actively encouraged to learn about the world around them
  • Challenges pupils to undertake engaging exercises unlike other atlases on the market
  • Divided into sections for ease of use
    • How Atlases work
    • Introduction to mapping
    • Irish section
    • European mapping
    • Other continents
    • World themes and maps
  • Extensive use of colour photography to encourage pupil learning
  • Stimulating and absorbing content, including: flags, populations and much more current data for all of the worlds countries
  • Historical maps of Ireland, which encourage pupils to do their own research and projects
  • An introduction to the Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSi) including the evolution of OSi mapping, from hard-copy through to the digital age
  • Fully supported by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) with all statistical updates available from SAPMAPS (
  • The ecological footprint is approached covering the most current model for linking peoples consumption, lifestyle and environmental sustainability
Edco Primary Atlas by Edco on

Edco Primary Atlas


The most up-to-date atlas available for the Irish primary educational market in terms of mapping, census of population and other data that change over time.


0.336 kg
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