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French Grammar Made Easy

Edco  |  Barcode: 9781845362799

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A Junior Certificate French grammar book.

  • French grammar presented in a clear, fun and fresh format
  • Simple grammar explanations throughout
  • Tips and advice provided for completing exercises
  • Simplifies some of the more difficult grammar issues
  • The book engages with students on their level, making the work visually appealing as well as explaining concepts clearly and simply through cartoons and scenarios familiar to teenagers.
  • Key characters take the student through the book and they can watch their lives, and all the drama of being a teenager, unfold as they learn. Popular references such as the X Factor, premiership footballers and aspects of popular French culture are referred to in explanations.
  • Characters, who have all the dramas of the average teenager, take you through the book.
  • Verb tables and supplementary vocabulary are specifically chosen to help the students do the assignments in the book to the best of their ability.
  • A recap section, where students can monitor their progress is included at the end of each chapter.
French Grammar Made Easy by Edco on

French Grammar Made Easy


A Junior Certificate French grammar book.


0.584 kg
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