■ Connect with Maths 2 - Textbook & Workbook Set
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'Connect with Maths 2' completes the Higher Level mathematics course for Junior Cycle. It is the second part of a two-book series for Junior Cycle. On completing 'Connect with Maths 1', Higher Level students continue the Higher Level syllabus using 'Connect with Maths 2'. 'Connect with Maths 2' has a clear, student-friendly approach and includes the following features:
- A Learning Outcomes section at the start of each chapter
- Plenty of well-constructed graded activities
- Revision activities for each chapter
- Exam-style questions for each chapter
- Key Points boxes to emphasise important information
- Key Words section and chapter summary at the end of each chapter
- Connections boxes linking the topic to other strands
- Problem Solving Appendix at the end of the book
Connect with Maths 1 & 2 come with a Student Workbook
School LevelPrimary
Class / YearJunior Cycle
Publication Date