Dialann Obair Bhaile
Dialann Obair Bhaile is available to PRE-ORDER and will ship as soon as it is back in stock.
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All orders shipped from our warehouse in Ireland
All orders are despatched from our warehouse in Oranmore, Co. Galway, Ireland
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No additional taxes will apply
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Clúdach crua Dialann Obair Bhaile
Tá acmhainní nua foghlama agus obair bhaile curtha leis againn chun cabhrú le tascanna a chríochnú do dhaltaí sa bhaile. Feicfidh tú téamaí na folláine, an mheoin fháis agus na hinbhuanaitheachta fite fuaite tríd an dialann.
Tá an Dialann Obair Bhaile go sár-mhaith chun a chur in oiriúint le do shuaitheantas scoile, rialacha scoile agus eolais nó chun clúdach úrnua a chruthú a bheadh sainiúil dod’ scoil féin.
- Méid A5 le cumhdach snáithe-fuaite marthanach le clúdach bog lándaite.
- Dialann lándaite, 40 seachtain breac le spás do nótaí chuig/ón múinteoir gach seachtain agus síniú laethúil Tuismitheora/Caomhnóra.
- Spás chun sonraí teagmhála daltaí, scoile agus éigeandála a thaifeadadh.
- Amchlár scoile.
- 34 leathanach de thacaíocht obair bhaile lena mbaineann Litearthacht, Uimhearthacht, Gaeilge, OSIE agus OSPS le hábhar agus gníomhaíochtaí tarraingteacha breise bunaithe ar théamaí meon fáis, folláine agus Inbhuanaitheachta.
- Cuimsíonn ábhar na dialainne dearbhchothaithe seachtainiúla, roinn meabhrúchán, machnamh an dalta agus níos mó spáis chun obair bhaile a thaifeadadh.
- 20 leathanach de nótaí pollta, lena n-áirítear nótaí asláithreachta agus duillíní ceada.
- Taifead íocaíochtaí agus taifeadán scéim leabhar ar cíos.
- Clár bán ceirtín- tirime do dhaltaí chun suimeanna casta a oibriú amach – agus go leor eile!
Hardcover Homework Diary
We have added new learning and homework resources to help complete assignments for students at home. The themes of well-being, growth mindset and sustainability are woven throughout the diary.
The Homework Diary is excellent for adapting to your school logo, school rules and information or to create a brand new cover that would be specific to your own school.
- A5 size with durable thread-stitched cover with full-colour paperback.
- Full-colour, 40-week diary with space for notes to/from the teacher each week and daily Parent/Guardian signature.
- Space to record student, school and emergency contact details.
- School timetable.
- 34 pages of homework support relating to Literacy, Numeracy, Irish, OSIE and SPHE with additional attractive content and activities based on the themes of growth mindset, well-being and Sustainability.
- The journal's content includes weekly affirmations, a reminder section, student reflection and more space to record homework.
- 20 pages of punched notes, including absence notes and permission slips.
- Payments record and book rental scheme recorder.
- A blank canvas for students to work out complex sums – and much more!
School LevelPrimary