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■ Starways - Stage 1 - Book 2: Hello!

CJ Fallon  |  Barcode: 9780714413112

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      Starways language development programme builds on the hugely successful Rainbow and Sunbeams language programmes.
      Starways has been designed for the revised curriculum and is based on the recommendations of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment as outlined in the Specifications for Publishers .The Starways programme gives life to the strands of the curriculum document.It presents teachers with a comprehensive and simple package of material to support them in the task of mediating the curriculum and fostering the language development of young children.
      Hello! introduces the children to the setting and the characters in the programme.

    It does not have a storyline per se, but is intended as a series of individual pages for discussion purposes. you see in this picture? will be a typical question that can be asked here, allowing children to point to what they recognise or letting them tell their story in reaction to the pictures. There are illustrations based on the programme and pictures of real scenes.
■ Starways - Stage 1 - Book 2: Hello! by CJ Fallon on
CJ Fallon

■ Starways - Stage 1 - Book 2: Hello!



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