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■ Book of the Brain and How it Works

Usborne Publishing Ltd  |  Barcode: 9781474950589

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This visually astonishing story takes children on a journey into and through the brain.

Simple but beautifully illustrated metaphors explain the different jobs that our brains do, and how they use brain cells to accomplish them.

From the senses to sleep, memories to making decisions, this book brings the wonder of brains and brain science to life.

■ Book of the Brain and How it Works by Usborne Publishing Ltd on
Usborne Publishing Ltd

■ Book of the Brain and How it Works


This visually astonishing story takes children on a journey into and through the brain.

Simple but beautifully illustrated metaphors explain the different jobs that our brains do, and how they use brain cells to accomplish them.

From the senses to sleep, memories to making decisions, this book brings the wonder of brains and brain science to life.


0.508 kg
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