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5 Tips On How To Get Organised

5 Tips On How To Get Organised

What does it mean to be truly organised? For some people it means to take control of their environment by cleaning or assigning spaces for their personal possessions, for some it might be keeping a tight track of their time, and for others, it could be both or neither.  

Being organised can make you feel in control, reducing some of the stress of the chaos of everyday life, especially during these times. Now the question is – how to start?

Check out our 5 Tips How To Get Organised!

5 Tips On How To Get Organised!

1. Organise your work and/ or study space.

Some find beauty in chaos, but on our desks, everything has its place. You can use old jars or plastic cups to store your desktop essentials or purchase some cubbies and baskets to put away all of your pens, papers, clips and more. Get into the habit of a 5 minute clean up at the end of your work/study time, and enjoy a clean desk upon your return.


2. Get a planner or start a bullet journal.

Sometimes remembering all of your appointments or exam dates can be tricky. If you want to make sure you remember something – put it in writing! Research shows that writing something down boosts your ability to retain information. Now all you have to do is choose a journal that suits you to note your ideas, lists, and plans.

3. Make lists and check them twice.

Is there anything more satisfying than ticking completed tasks off a to-do-list? Lists help keep track of all of the important projects you may be working on and help you keep your productivity flowing. Get into the habit of prioritising the more important (and sometimes most challenging tasks) first.

4. Colour code your life!

If it’s either your planner, to-do list or notes in a notebook, use coloured pens and highlighters to colour code the information in front of you. Use different coloured stik-ie notes and folders for each subject, project or even household chores and bills. Colour coding makes it easier to keep projects organised and to display information in different colours for quick reference.

5. Work hard and reward yourself for a job well done.

Staying organised is not always easy, so pat yourself on the shoulder for a job well-done and treat yourself with something small (like a good book or a short walk for some fresh air). Positive reinforcement will motivate you to work harder to achieve your goals and push you on those more challenging days.