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10 Tips To Study Smarter, Not Harder!

10 Tips To Study Smarter, Not Harder!

Are you buried under homework and the exams are getting closer? Say no more! is coming to the rescue with our 10 Tips on how to study smarter, not harder!

1. Why not try turning off your phone... Focus on studying without getting distracted by a text or a picture of a cute kitten.

2. Planning can be key to effective study. Take 5 minutes a day to make a study plan and to update your calendar with important dates and deadlines. Do you have a favourite diary or journal to plan in?


3. Try different ways of recording notes. Have you heard of mind mapping as an effective study tool for visual learners?

4. Studying in short blocks of time for example 30 minutes may make studying less daunting. Research shows that our brain effectively absorbs information from the first and last 15 minutes of “studying," so break your sessions down.

5. Try starting with the hardest task on your to-do list that you have. Difficult subjects require more energy that you have in the beginning of your study session.

6. Learn through revising with others, helping a friend with a topic they are struggling with, may reinforce your knowledge. Are there topics you are struggling with, that your friend may be able to help with?

7. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Revision planning should be started as early as possible but don't forget to go over your notes closer to exam time to refresh your learning. A good night sleep may be more effective than last-minute cramming.

8. Once you're confident that you have learned the required material, make up or download a practice test to check your knowledge. This may help you focus on gaps in knowledge and areas of improvement.

9. Find a study buddy that you work well with. You can schedule study time, bounce ideas off each other, quiz and teach things to each other, and help each other focus.

10. Eat some ice cream, go to see a new movie, or spend some time on your hobby. Reward yourself for completing study sessions or achieving study milestones. What are your favourite study treats or rewards?