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Alles Klar - Textbook & Portfoliobuch Set  |  Barcode: 9781910936863

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Alles Klar - Textbook & Portfoliobuch Set


Product components


What the publisher says

Alles Klar is The ONLY three-year book for Junior Cycle German - includes printed Portfoliobuch, 4 x CDs AND a free Ebook version of the textbook.

  • Clear and easy to follow, in line with the common-level course.
  • Makes revisiting First Year topics quick and convenient.
  • Deals comprehensively with the cultural aspect of language learning and opens up the German-speaking world beyond Europe, to include areas of South America and Africa.
  • Learning intentions outline the topics, grammar and culture in each chapter.
  • Lerntipp! feature provides important information and helpful tips to foster language awareness.
  • Stadtbild at the end of each chapter details the landmarks, food, famous people and interesting facts about German-speaking cities to build intercultural awareness.
  • Self-assessment checkpoints help students monitor their progress.
  • Roleplays prepare students for Classroom-Based Assessments and real-world scenarios.
  • Wortschatz highlights words and phrases to improve comprehension of new topics.
  • Deutch Direkt feature gives real-world context to vocabulary, including articles, posters and infographics.
  • Wiederholung revises the vocabulary and grammar in each chapter.


  • Large A4 size, same dimensions as textbook.
  • Builds a collection of student texts and a record of learning.
  • Extended writing tasks, including formal and informal letters, emails, postcards, blog posts, reviews and short stories.
  • Creative exercises, including invitations, posters and pamphlets.
  • Research tasks, including use of German websites.
  • Group oral tasks, such as weather reports, surveys, presentations and debates.
  • Practice completing forms and reservations.
  • Über mich! factfile.
  • Sprechen Revision linked to each chapter topic.
  • Alles Klar? self-evaluation for each textbook chapter.


  • Four CDs containing audio for the listening exercises in each chapter.
  • Pronunciation of key vocabulary.
  • Monologues, dialogues and group conversations.
  • News reports and public announcements with sound effects for authenticity.
  • All tracks also available via

Free Ebook

  • All CD audio is embedded throughout the ebook for easy access


Alles Klar - Textbook & Portfoliobuch Set by on

Alles Klar - Textbook & Portfoliobuch Set


Alles Klar - Textbook & Portfoliobuch Set


Product components


What the publisher says

Alles Klar is The ONLY three-year book for Junior Cycle German - includes printed Portfoliobuch, 4 x CDs AND a free Ebook version of the textbook.



Free Ebook



2.342 kg
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